How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Healthcare Marketing By 2020

Rebecca Graves
By Rebecca Graves on July 20, 2017
How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Healthcare Marketing By 2020
How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Healthcare Marketing By 2020

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Healthcare Marketing By 2020

Rebecca Graves
By Rebecca Graves on July 20, 2017

Gadget Digital Assistant (named Lucy by her owner): Good morning, Harold. I see you have a free hour between 2:00 and 3:00 pm. How would you like to fill it?

Harold: Hi, Lucy. I think I'll take a walk today, so I won't need your assistance with that. Thanks, anyway.

The interaction above is an example of where Artificial Intelligence is headed, as software innovators  work to create gadgets that behave more like personal assistants. These "assistants" already keep an eye on calendars, send exercise alerts and provide medication reminders. Soon, they'll pay attention to online search and purchasing habits to personalize your daily interactions even further.

Marketing Prediction: Artificial Intelligence Will Affect How Buyers Interact with Your Brand

Perhaps the question isn't so much of how AI will change healthcare marketing as it is about how artificial intelligence will shape the way your buyers research, shop and purchase.

If you're doing your job, AI already has a significant impact in shaping the way you market software, services and products. Examples include the way your healthcare SaaS marketing team works to keep abreast of the latest and greatest CRM software, or implementing new strategies to create a more united sales and marketing team. These are all taking place as the result of artificial intelligence (mostly in the form of Google algorithms).

Other proofs that AI leads the way:

  • Bloomberg reports indicate AI hit a break-thru point back in 2015, and it has rapidly zoomed ahead ever since as a result of research, investment, cloud computing and neural networks.
  • At the end of 2016, Digiday reported, "The AI market is estimated to reach $5.1 billion worldwide by 2020, up 54 percent from two years ago."
  • eMarketer predicts that digital ad spending will surpass TV ad budgets by 2020.

However, based on what we see and hear from experts in our neck of the woods, search engine optimization isn't dying, it's still the driving force of the marketing future.

The Good News: Sound Inbound Marketing & Sales Keeps Companies Ahead of the Curve

Here are some of the ways marketing will shift as AI innovations catapult us into the future - and how inbound marketing and sales are still the name of the game.

Learning the intricacies of buyer personas matters more than ever

As Lucy learns Harold's search/buying habits, she'll hone in on the types of content he likes/dislikes, the language, voice or styles that encourage him to spend more or less time on a particular page or topic, etc. Lucy will perpetually search and offer Harold pre-screened content, tailored specifically to his preferences.

As a busy professional, Harold will love this. No more time wasted trying to figure out the right combinations of keywords to figure out what you want.

Marketing Message: Learning the intricately nuanced ins-and-outs of buyer personas and their digital habits is essential to online brand presence. The more in-tune with them you are, the more likely their digital assistants will be to send your content their way.

Diversifying content across the spectrum is key

Reading isn't all Harold likes to do; he also loves a good video from time to time, and he values information gleaned from social media channels. Lucy will be looking for a broad spectrum of well-crafted and curated content for Harold's perusal.

Marketing Message: Content diversification is where it's at. Read, 6 Examples of Great Content That Isn't Written, to expand content bandwidth.

Change the whats to whys with superb stats

Currently, stats show you what content performs, but it takes human analytics to figure out the why of its success.

Over time, AI will be able to suss out the why as well, further enabling your company's ability to create just the right content, for just the right buyers, at exactly the right time and place.

Marketing Message: Don't get lazy about keeping abreast of CRM and other advances in AI-assisted analytics tools. They are the key to polishing your content into increasingly shiny and more attractive packaging so they're found by the right person - or DA's such as Lucy.

Is your healthcare SaaS marketing team keeping up with the latest sales trends? If not, it's time to hone those skills so your innovative product doesn't fall behind the times.

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Rebecca Graves
Published by Rebecca Graves

Rebecca Graves co-founded Spot On in 2012. As a partner and leader of client services, she takes immense pride in being in charge of “client happiness.” The role allows her to wield her problem-solving skills while fostering big-picture perspectives and team building. Rebecca’s more than 35 years of experience have equipped her to translate strategic planning expertise for the advancement of tech companies transforming the healthcare, financial, and legal industries.

To learn more about Rebecca, visit our Company Page.

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